General Information
On the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Cavaliers do not live as long as humans. About their only fault really.

 The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel due to its long history of having been bred to be the ultimate companion / comforter spaniel, it has a truly wonderful temperament. It is often referred to as a big dog in a small package. It has a fearless and sporting attitude, yet it is gentle and affectionate. Possibly the most adaptable of all dogs it is just as happy sitting in your lap as it is hunting outside for birds and rabbits. A truly loving and affectionate dog that seems to get along with everyone and everything - and it seems it's tail never stops wagging!

A boy or a girl?
Nearly all Cavaliers are very friendly, extremely sociable and affectionate. On average the boys tend to be even more so - a little larger, a little more active, a little more affectionate and loving. But the real difference is not that great. It is probably best to go by the actual personality of a particular puppy, rather than focusing on whether you want a boy or a girl.

Are Cavaliers good with children?
Cavaliers love to interact with their owners and enjoy activity and play, making them especially close friends and confidants for children. Cavaliers are excellent with children, but the age of the children is an important in choosing a puppy. Because Cavalier puppies are so small, many breeders will not sell young puppies to families with children under the age of five. An older puppy or adult dog will be more suitable for such families. All children, of course, need supervision to ensure they do not hurt the dog.

How much exercise do Cavaliers require?
Cavaliers need either a moderate size fenced-in yard in which to run, or a minimum of one good walk each day (in addition to potty walks). If their owners want walking companions, Cavaliers can build up over time to much longer walks. Regular exercise is very important for a Cavalier's heart.  Even older Cavaliers should be encouraged to participate in regular exercise.

Can my Cavalier be left outdoors while I'm at work every day?
Cavaliers are indoor dogs. While they are sturdy and hardy and can thrive in both cold and hot climates, they are not dogs to be left outdoors. Your Cavalier should have a safe place in your house where it may be left during the day. The younger the Cavalier, the more restricted the area should be.

How much grooming does a Cavalier need?
There is very little grooming involved with the Cavalier therefore professional grooming is not necessary. It has a very soft, silky coat which is fairly short on top, but has long feathering on the ears, tail, belly, legs and chest. An occasional bath, cutting the nails once a month, and regular brushing is all that is necessary. Cavaliers do shed, but not as much as many other breeds. Brushing and combing the coat several times a  week during shedding season will cut down on shedding tremendously.

Are Cavaliers good guard dogs?
No. While Cavaliers will alert their owners to the arrival of someone new, they seem to regard all strangers as friends they haven't met yet. Although a noisy greeting might be enough to ward off a prowler.



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